9 Tips for making Money through an IPTV Reseller

The IPTV service market is becoming more and more popular with the change in people’s lifestyles with Gloriaforce Android TV Box, and people are gradually turning from the traditional way of watching TV to IPTV service. You will find that not all of them are primary IPTV providers, most of them have become IPTV resellers in order to get a piece of the pie.
If you are also planning to try to make more money as an IPTV reseller, this guide will help you learn quick tips on how to make more money by taking advantage of the IPTV reseller opportunity to make more marketing money.
What is an IPTV reseller?
As the name suggests, an IPTV dealer is a person who sells IPTV subscriptions to paying customers on behalf of an IPTV provider. Distributors are not employees of these IPTV companies. It is best to think of them as freelancers who sell IPTV subscriptions from providers and then resell them to interested customers for a profit.
Preconditions for IPTV resellers
Consider this a disclaimer that we need to get out of the way immediately. The business of IPTV reselling should not be interpreted as a simple opportunity to earn a quick buck. Like any business, this journey will require research, patience, and hard work on your part.
Some people might initially get the sense that becoming an IPTV reseller is very easy and that a minimal amount of effort is all that is necessary to earn some easy cash. This is simply not the case.
A good amount of your time and energy will be needed to pull this off. You will have to learn some in-depth knowledge about the specific characteristics of your IPTV service and your market audience.
You will also have to realize that while you can make some decent money, it will take both time and dedication to become really profitable. How much you can earn ultimately depends upon your work ethic and skills. And like any business, you will, of course, be dealing with competitors. This is by no means a “get rich quick” scheme.
We don’t say this to alarm or dissuade anyone but it is important to approach this with a level head and have all the facts before you get started. If done correctly, then IPTV reselling can become a very decent source of money for you.
Finally, this is in no way an endorsement of IPTV services or streaming. It is your responsibility to ensure you are operating within the laws of your country.
Advantages of being an IPTV reseller
If you want to know the advantages of being an IPTV reseller, here are six of the best. Check out and read more about IPTV reseller advantages.
- Easy access to IPTV providers
- Low-cost investment
- You don’t have to be tech-savvy
- Free business hours
- It’s easier to expand
- High return profit
How to start an IPTV resale business?
Now that you’ve decided to commit yourself to this entrepreneurial opportunity, you’ll have to learn the basics of the business. Let’s start by discussing how to get a foot in the door.
Before contacting any IPTV service, you need to know a few things. The first thing you should do is browse which IPTV companies allow resellers. You can do this simply by looking up or checking the IPTV service I recommend on the Internet. There are many resources, such as Reddit or blog forums, that explain which companies offer reseller accounts, or you can check the official website for yourself.
Next, you need to familiarize yourself with the IPTV service you are interested in reselling. Look up and find out all the information about the service, such as what kind of content they specialize in, where their biggest market is, who their main demographic is, etc. How effective is EPG, and does it cover the most popular channels? Does the service offer video on demand? How often is the VoD content updated? How steady is the flow? All of these things may be important to your future customers.
This will come in handy later when you need to do some marketing. As they say, knowing is half the battle, and being able to attract potential customers inevitably involves knowing what your IPTV is good at and to who it can appeal. For example, if you resell IPTV that specializes in streaming sports events, you will have to adjust your marketing accordingly. Visiting sports forums and online groups can be a great way to connect with people looking for content.
9 Tips for Making More Money
If you want to use IPTV resellers to make more money, then you must master the following 9 tips, let’s discuss how to use the tips to make more money!
Try and get familiar with the IPTV service
Evaluate the investment amount
Manage your IPTV infrastructure
Marketing and Branding: Become an Effective Salesman
Salesmanship is Essential
Other means of publicity
Know How to Deal with Customers Who Are Already Familiar
Providing Support to Your Customers
Receiving Payment
1- Try and get familiar with the IPTV service
We strongly recommend that you test the service yourself. Perhaps you are already a customer and want to resell for use. You should then use the service as often as possible to familiarize yourself with all its details. Know all its functions and features, know what channels it has, etc.
Be sure to use it on as many devices as possible: smartphone, tablet, smart TV, Android TV box, MAG or Dreamlink/Formuler, Kodi, M3U player, etc. This is important because your customers will also be using your IPTV service on a variety of platforms, so it’s important that you familiarize yourself with the installation and use of these devices before you begin.
In any IPTV streaming service, things like consistently strong streaming features, helpful scheduling guidelines, and compatibility with as many devices as possible are considered very good. Like OTV IPTV subscription, more than 9,000 channels, more than 50,000 movies and TV series, and 4K/FHD/HD/SD quality without sticking, etc.
IPTV Reseller credits are usually purchased in bulk, and you can convert them into a customer’s subscription line. For example, example, you have 25 credits in your dealer panel. You sell a one-month subscription to your customers for $19. By creating a month row, 1 credit is deducted from your panel, and 24 credits are retained. You earn $19 and lose 1 credit. Start with 25 credits (including panels).
The cost of these plans will vary depending on which plan you choose to start using. This is also the first step in investing in your business, which brings us to the next section.
2- Evaluate the investment amount
Because IPTV reselling is such a flexible business, people of varying financial situations will be able to get in on this opportunity. We’ve mentioned earlier that IPTV reselling is a low-cost investment, which is true, but you don’t want to aimlessly spend cash even if it is just a couple of hundred dollars.
First, be certain about how much money you want to put in initially. Let’s say you have $1,000 for example. That means you should not go over this amount when buying credits for your reseller account.
For example, if you have $1000 and a single subscription for a customer costs $20, that doesn’t mean you have to spend all of your money at the beginning all at once by acquiring credits. It’s best to only spend a fraction of it at the beginning by buying, say, 20 credits.
The main reason we suggest this is because acquiring customers can be a slow and difficult process (something we’ll discuss soon in our marketing section). If you buy 100 credits and can only sell 25 of them in the first month then you’re going to be losing money that otherwise could have been spent in other domains of your business, like branding or building up a social media presence. Don’t overdo it and think small at first.
Understanding where your break-even point is is a crucial part of managing your finances. Once you’ve made enough profits to offset your investments, then you can really begin to start expanding your business by purchasing more subscription credits, online advertisements, and so on.
You may also want to have some cash set aside for advertisements but that’s something we’ll return to later.
3- Manage your IPTV infrastructure
After becoming a dealer, you will have to deal with a few things. Let’s look at the IPTV panel first.
The IPTV Reseller panel is the management program provided by your IPTV service provider and is essentially the digital headquarters for your resale business. Using the IPTV panel, you will have the tools you need to organize your IPTV portal and your customers. The IPTV panel gives you a variety of options, such as activating or deactivating users, extending lines for customers, creating trial accounts, submitting credits to your account so you can purchase more subscriptions, and so on.
To get started, all you need to do is email /Whatsapp and tell the IPTV provider that you are ready. See more detailed guides on how to use the IPTV reseller Panel.
4- Marketing and Branding: Become an Effective Salesman
After the initial phases of research and setting up your panel and server you will have to start focusing on what is arguably the hardest and most important part of being an IPTV reseller: getting clients and customers.
Before you begin talking to people and try selling your IPTV service to them, now would be a great time to take stock of what it is that you are selling exactly. Try writing down a list of all the things that our service has to offer. Go over as many details as you can with a fine-tooth comb. You should pay attention to things like the type of content we offer, what regions it is most popular in, the most convenient or intuitive features it has, and so on.
5- Salesmanship is Essential
Being a good salesman is a very important part of the job, if not the most important. You have to be able to educate potential customers about your IPTV service as much as possible. We also stress that honesty is an integral part of this process. If a customer is asking if we have certain content just be straight with them. Don’t mislead buyers with false advertising as it is not only unfair to them but will only lead to further headaches for you in the form of complaints and a worsened reputation of your business. The best thing you can do for them is put the on a free 24-hour trial.
One thing you can do is hand out free trials to potential clients. With your IPTV panel, you can set someone up with a free trial easily. You can give them a one-day trial or even a one-month trial if you so choose. Handing out trials is a good strategy to get people excited about your service and make them more likely to purchase subscriptions.
Advertising your IPTV business can be accomplished in a variety of ways which actually leaves you a lot of wiggle room. You also get to be completely in charge of your own pricing. This is where you will really begin to feel like your own boss. Im a Facebook ads expert and will gladly set you up or teach you how to create a campaign. You can spend as little as $1 a day but in my experience, $3 is really the effective minimum.
6- Other means of publicity
You can advertise your IPTV business in person, for example. Many people think that the internet is the only way to go but this actually isn’t the case. You can easily do something as simple as telling family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors about your service and give them the rundown of the service and pricing. Even if they aren’t interested they may very well tell their friends or colleagues about it. Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth advertising.
While not so many people do this, you can definitely consider print advertising as an option if you think you have a market in your local community. Buying out ads in newspapers could be an effective strategy to reach several thousands of people but the effectiveness of this ultimately depends on the size of your city.
While in-person advertising is a viable option and should not be overlooked, it is extremely likely that the vast majority of your marketing will be done online as that’s where you can attract as many people as possible. Taking advantage of as many online forums and social media pages will be a big part of running this business.
An account with both Facebook and Twitter is highly recommended. Here you can post comments about the IPTV service as well as provide links to your IPTV website. These websites provide a great opportunity to describe the nature of this streaming service as well as interact with people interested. You’ll be able to answer any questions they might have.
7- Know How to Deal with Customers Who Are Already Familiar
Potential customers will be extremely varied when it comes to their knowledge of IPTV products in general. Prepare yourself to be able to respond to people who have used IPTV services before but are thinking of switching providers. Here you can pitch to them why your selected streaming service is a superior option.
There will also be folks who have never used IPTV services before and will, therefore, pose more basic questions. Be ready to provide them with answers that are not too complicated as you don’t want to scare them off. Try to achieve a balance between simplicity and being informative. Consider creating a FAQ page that will help new customers get started. This will reduce the amount of interaction required from your side.
While contacting people directly is part of being a salesman, you should also consider coming up with a “brand” or an image for your business. As stated earlier we have a team available that can assist. Remember, you will have competition so setting yourself apart from other businesses is very important for getting as many clients as possible.
German customers are probably going to have different tastes than American ones as the cultures are quite different in some ways. Take the geographical location into consideration at all times and be mindful of what content is available over there.
8- Providing Support to Your Customers
Once you’ve acquired some subscribers for your business, you will then have to focus on maintaining a rapport with your customers. Communication and availability are key to having satisfied customers that will continue to use your service and keep on returning to renew their IPTV subscriptions.
All good tech-related businesses need to have a good customer service department that can handle any troubleshooting. It is inevitable that you will eventually have customers emailing or messaging you with questions about the IPTV service. They may be experiencing a dead stream, long loading times, or any other technical difficulty. Your job here is to be able to respond back to them as quickly and as effectively as possible.
If you want to go the extra mile then you can try following up with your customers even if they haven’t messaged you with any questions. Simply ask them if they are satisfied with their IPTV service and if there’s anything else you can do to help them out further. They will likely appreciate your dedication and be impressed by your customer support skills. Everyone appreciates a cordial attitude, so always be friendly and willing to lend a helping hand.
9- Receiving Payment
One question that a lot of people often ask when getting into this business is “how do I get paid?” One would probably expect a relatively unconventional business would have equally unconventional payment solutions, and this is partially correct.
Various payment solutions are available, so you should try to offer as many options as possible. If your business only accepts one payment method then that will seriously cut down on the number of buyers you can have. You should allow acceptable payments to be made by credit card, Paypal, cash app, Zelle, and even cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. It’s ultimately all up to you to use your IPTV billing panel to set up the appropriate payment methods that you want to use.
Getting payments is as easy as selling subscriptions to customers. Once you start getting clients for your service you will be able to manage your received payments manually or via your billing panel and redirect them to your bank account, Paypal account, etc.
Keep in mind that as an IPTV reseller, you are in charge of your own pricing so profit margins are mostly in your own hands. You don’t want to be charging anything that is too expensive, especially at the beginning of your venture. You are totally free to raise your prices later on once you’ve acquired more customers and developed a good reputation. You may want to allow current customers to maintain the same deal they started with so you don’t scare them off.
Your total earnings will vary based on how many customers you can acquire and what you set your prices at. IPTV resellers can earn as little as a couple of dozen dollars a month to a couple of thousand dollars per month. How much you will earn will ultimately depend on you and how you manage your business.
The most recommended IPTV provider
Become an OTV IPTV Reseller You can earn money by joining OTV IPTV’s reseller program. Provide your customers with the best IPTV service, and in addition to making money for yourself, satisfy your customers through quality and the best IPTV service in your TV channel and VOD collection. If you are new to OTV IPTV, you can get a free trial account and test the server 24 hours a day. The test line is full access to all TV channels and VOD lines throughout the day.
Is it legal to be an IPTV reseller?
IPTV is legal as long as the service provider holds the correct licenses for all the content it provides. In other words, an IPTV provider needs the copyright owner’s permission to host streams of copyrighted TV programs, films, or other content. Services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are completely legal.
What is a reseller panel?
Reseller Panel. In this panel, you set up and maintain your business. Here you create hosting plans and customer accounts, manage subscriptions, and so on.
Is IPTV legal?
IPTV itself is legal, but not all IPTV services are. For example, legal IPTV services like Hulu, YouTube, and Sling abide by the correct copyright laws. With this, if a service provider doesn’t hold the correct licenses for the content it provides, then it is considered illegal.
Can I watch live TV on IPTV?
Live broadcast of IPTV. As with broadcast television, you can also watch live programming on IPTV. Many people watch sporting events this way; It’s easy to play games on your phone anytime, anywhere. Live IPTV is almost identical to regular TV, except that it is broadcast over the Internet rather than through traditional cable media.
In summary, here is all the information about IPTV resellers that you can use to make more money. If you haven’t already chosen the right IPTV provider, it is highly recommended that you try an OTV IPTV subscription, which will suit the different tastes of IPTV reseller users and offer IPTV free testing.
Author Bio:
This is Aryan, I am a professional SEO Expert & Write for us technology blog and submit a guest post on different platforms- Technoohub provides a good opportunity for content writers to submit guest posts on our website. We frequently highlight and tend to showcase guests