Handy tips to extend the life of your vehicle

If you own a vehicle, it’s important to take care of it as much as possible. After all, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
Use these handy tips to extend the life of your vehicle, while saving yourself some trouble and money in the process!
Avoid fast starts and stops
Avoiding fast starts and stops will help prolong the life of your engine. The same goes for driving at low speeds. The harder you drive on your engine, the more quickly it will wear out tinyzone . To help prevent damage, make sure you regularly change your oil and get tune-ups as soon as they are needed.
Keep tyres properly inflated
Keeping tyres properly inflated will not only save money on gas, but it will also save you time and frustration. Underinflated tyres can cause a variety of problems such as uneven wear, decreased fuel efficiency, difficulty braking, and more. If you believe your car tires are wearing out, check out the latest tyre offers in Abu Dhabi to grab the best deal.
Change the oil regularly
For your engine oil to effectively lubricate and protect vital engine components, it needs to be changed regularly. The recommended interval between oil changes is determined by the make and model of the vehicle, as well as how often you drive. To keep things simple, most carmakers recommend an oil change every 7,500 miles or six months.
Clean your car
Cleaning your car is not just a way to make it look nice, but also a way to help extend its life. It doesn’t take much time or money and can be done monthly in about an hour or less. The best time for cleaning is when the car has been driven for about 10 miles since it will have some dirt on it from being in the city. You’ll need a bucket, a scrub brush with soft bristles, dish detergent and water, a dry towel, and a hose.
Keep safety features up-to-date
Maintaining your car’s safety features is an easy way to help protect yourself and others on the road. Make sure that you have functioning headlights, taillights, brakes, signals, steering, suspension, and tires. Even something as small as a burnt-out headlight can make it difficult for other drivers to see you.
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Don’t idle the car unnecessarily
Idling your car for more than 30 seconds uses up a lot of fuel and puts unnecessary wear on the engine. So, whenever you can, turn off your car and let it sit for a bit before starting it up again. If you’re not in a rush and have time, take care of errands like grocery shopping or doing laundry in bulk so that you’ll only need to go out once. This will help prevent idling time because you’re not going out as often.
Wrap Up
These are examples of how you can keep your car running smoothly and avoid costly repairs. It may seem like a lot of work, but think about it this way: If you take care of your car, it will take care of you. For example, by merely replacing your old tyres with the best quality Continental Tyres, you will see a lot of difference in your driving experience.