How to Avoid Your SMS sends Being Misconstrued as spam
The short answer is, “Don’t send spam.” While that may seem like a no-brainer, we all know that not all text messages are created equal. When it comes to managing your mobile phone, be sure you’re using the right ones. With every text message comes its own share of risks and pitfalls.
You might not realize it at first glance, but some SMS messages can look as spammy as they sound—or worse yet, even senders might not realize they’re sending spam until much too late! Read on for more information about how to avoid the mistakes other people are making when it comes to managing your smartphone texts.
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Read Your Text Message History
First things first—we need to get our own house in order when it comes to determining how often to check our phone messages. The good news is that there’s an easy way to do this: we just need to read our phone messages. Unfortunately, we often don’t. Most people set up their phone to automatically send and receive messages (i.e., they don’t actively check their messages). This can be done in a couple of different ways:
Don’t Respond to Spam
Spam is any text message sent without following proper procedures. In many cases, sending a spam text message is a sign that the sender doesn’t fully understand the wording in the text, or they’re just trying to be cute and send a lot of extra messages without realizing it. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t respond to spam: You might want to ignore spam without even reading it—this is common in Social Media apps, like Facebook or Instagram. You might also want to report spam to the person who sent it, so they can get it deleted from their account.
Be Careful What You Send
We love sending texts and Email, but sometimes we need to be careful what we send and how we send it. Spam, on the other hand, is a clear-cut case of not sending the right message. That said, you should still be careful with your texts and emails. While you shouldn’t be afraid to say what you want or let your emotions get the best of you, you also shouldn’t use these methods to send inappropriate messages.
Be Realistic About Customer Service
The good news is that many people don’t take the time to give customer service a proper shoutout. When a customer service issue comes up, it’s important to remember that the queue is full and someone has to answer the phone. If you have to call customer service, make it a priority to let them know what your issue is and when you’ll be sending your payment. You can also make it a priority to let customer service know how you want to be treated, like how you’d like to be referred to, for example, if you had a question about a product.
Bottom line
With every text message comes its own share of risks and pitfalls. You might not realize it at first glance, but some SMS messages can look as spammy as they sound—or worse yet, even senders might not realize they’re sending spam until much too late! Take the time to read your messages, and make sure that you, too, are following proper procedures when it comes to managing your texts.