How to Get Chegg Answers for Free? –

how to get Chegg for free

In the new technological world, every school and educational institution is moving towards online studies and using different websites and portals to help the students. But in the online world, many students have faced difficulty in getting the answers to the questions that they study and this has become very problematic for students as they are not able to get the correct solutions for the problems that they face. 

And that is why in these harsh times, an online website called Chegg has been launched to help students all around the world with their assignments and homework. In the guide, we are going to tell you about this expert assistant website and how to get Chegg for free

What is Chegg?

Chegg has been launched as an online website that will help in tutoring students and also help them with things that are beyond their classroom knowledge. The website has been based in California, US, and has different kinds of tools and resources that will provide services to the students and will help them with things that they are stuck with. The website is also a platform where students can try to look for scholarships and internships for their future. 

But, you need to know that the website is not free hence, if you do not have money then, this website is not for you in this guide, we are going to look for some solutions and methods that will help us to know how to get Chegg answers for free? 

How can you get Chegg answers for free?

As we have told you, the website is a paid website and that is why it is very difficult to access the website for those who do not have money. But, if you want to get free Chegg answers then, there are some methods that you can use and we are going to tell you about them here. 

  • Chegg Study- Free trial

There is a method on the website that will help you in getting free Chegg answers as you can cancel your subscription anytime that you want for free. If you subscribe and then cancel your subscription, you will get your money back. This is how you can do the same. 

Open the Chegg Free trial page and then choose ‘Learn with Chegg’. There you need to tap on the Get Starter button and then generate an account for yourself by typing in an email address and password. Now, choose the plan of $19.95 and complete the payment. After this, you can look for all the answers that you want and remember to cancel the subscription before 30 days as no money will be deducted from your account. 

  • Use Reddit

You can also use Reddi to get free Chegg answers on your mobile phone. For that, You just need to type the question in Reddit’s Chegg free answers group and someone from the group will answer your question. You need to wait for at least 30 minutes before you will get the answers.

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