How To Install a Water Heater?

water heater

Have you decided to change your water heater and do it yourself? Whatever the reason for your choice, an aging, broken water heater or equipment in your new home, first make sure you have the necessary skills. If the operation may seem within everyone’s reach, it requires technical knowledge, and in particular in compliance with installation standards. This small guide shows you the different stages for the realization of this installation.

Determine the Location of Your Water Heater

If your new device does not replace an old one, choosing the location is the first step.

A few tips :

  • Install your device as close as possible to the tapping points to avoid heat loss;
  • In the case of a distance greater than 8 meters, the addition of a backup water heater will be more efficient and economical;
  • If the installation is done outside the house (garage, basement, etc.), remember to check that the pipes are insulated to resist freezing;
  • When installing the water heater in your bathroom, you must comply with standard NF C 15-100.

Fixing the Water Heater


Several possibilities are available to you, depending on the design of your water heater.

For example, there are 4 kinds of electric water heaters:

  • small capacity which is generally installed on or under a sink;
  • vertical which is fixed on a wall by fixing lugs and must rest on a tripod;
  • horizontal which is fixed to a wall, to the ceiling using a hanging bracket, under the eaves or on the ground;
  • stable which is placed directly on the ground.

If you fix your water heater on a load-bearing wall:

  • Use the installation template supplied with the packaging to mark the drilling points;
  • Drill and ankle depending on the support and the instructions in the instructions;
  • Set up your water heater and fix it securely.

Tip: as we have seen, adding a tripod is mandatory for a vertical wall-mounted water heater if your supporting wall is not load-bearing. But the tripod will also be very practical in other cases, because thanks to it, you will only have two fixing points to create.

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The Hydraulic Connection of Your Water Heater

Before going any further, turn off the electrical power and shut off the water supply.

A hot water tank is logically supplied by the drinking water network via a cold water pipe and it rejects hot water, in the pipe supplying the hot water network of the house.

For the connection, use the color codes: blue for the cold water inlet and red for the hot water outlet.

For the cold water supply:

  • Screw the security group;
  • Set up the siphon;
  • Connect the cold water supply hose to the safety group.

For the hot water outlet:

  • Attach the dielectric fitting;
  • Connect the outlet hose;
  • Open the water inlet valve;
  • Fill the tank, leaving a tap open to let the air out of the tank;
  • Close the tap when the water starts to flow continuously;
  • Check that all connections are tight and tighten them slightly if necessary;
  • Pressurize the water heater and operate the safety group to ensure its proper functioning and to evacuate any waste.

The Importance Of the Security Group

Your water heater must be accompanied by a safety group whose role is to maintain a pressure of fewer than 7 bars inside the water heater and therefore prevent it from exploding.

This mechanical part, intended to receive the cold water supply, must be installed new and must comply with standard ND D 36-401.

Caution: nothing must be installed between the safety group and the water heater.

If the installation pressure is greater than 5 bar, you can also install a pressure reducer to prevent water from continuously flowing from the safety group.

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The Electrical Connection Of Your Water Heaterfort collins water heater installation

Make sure that you have cut off the power to the electrical panel and that your water heater is compatible with your electrical installation.

Depending on the installation and the water heater chosen, you have two options: either a single-phase connection or a three-phase connection. In both cases, the manufacturers provide you with the connection diagrams.

The connection of your water heater must be done on a wall cable outlet. Some models are pre-wired, which facilitates connection.

  • Remove the protective cover from the water heater;
  • Connect the wires one by one following the color codes;
  • Screw the safety cover back on and switch on the device;
  • If you have a day/night switch, activate it in forced operation.

After a few minutes, drops of water will flow from the security group following the pressure rise in the water heater: do not panic, this proves the proper functioning of your security group.

You just have to wait a few hours for the resistance to heat the water in the tank.

Please note, the water can be extremely hot the first time you use it. If so, adjust the temperature using the rheostat.

Now you just have to relax in a good bath!

Note, however, that in the case of a solar or thermodynamic water heater, it is necessary to provide for the connection of your water heater to other elements such as solar panels, the circuit for the heat transfer fluid … Do not hesitate to call on a professional for a top installation! And for a gas water heater, connection to town gas is notably a sensitive part of the installation requiring the compulsory intervention of an approved professional.

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