Tips to Increase Repeat Customers for Your Business

Repeat Business

Did you know that it can cost up to eight times more to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one? Not that you don’t want new customers, of course, you do! But, always keep in mind that existing customers are easier to retain, and they buy more because they already know and trust you.

Even if they don’t buy regularly, happy repeat customers will likely talk you up to their friends and acquaintances. Word of mouth is about the best free-and most trusted-advertising there is. Why is selling to our current customers a good thing? People buy from only those retailers or manufacturers on whom they trust.

This means that people are going to buy from someone that they either believe in (as is the case with a new customer), or they will buy from someone they have already done business with and have been satisfied with their purchase (as is the case with repeat business).

When we care for our current customer base, we build on a possible long-lasting relationship that will help to generate more income at a lower overall expense. So, let’s talk a little bit about some of the best ways to take good care of your current clients, keep them coming back, and get them on your fan team.

Begin Customer Service at First Contact

Online, that can be your website, your Facebook or Twitter page, or a Pinterest posting. In whichever venue, treat each person as if they’ve just walked into your flower shop. Greet repeat visitors, and give a friendly welcome to new ones.

Customer Service After the Sale

Don’t stop at a “Thank You” note! Exceed your customer’s expectations. This is where you can start to build that all-important customer loyalty. Let’s use a florist as an example. Delivery times are often important for florists. For instance, if the flower arrangement is for a certain occasion, such as a birthday, make sure it arrives on the requested day.

Make your sender and the recipient happy. If you have arranged for a special time with the sender, do all you can to meet their expectations. Before you complete the order, double-check your messages to see if there are any special instructions.

Let customers know if you have to make a flower or container substitution in their order as soon as possible. They’ll appreciate the time you spent to pick up the phone and give them a heads up. 99% of the time, customers are fine with a substitution as long as they know about it, and the design maintains the same temperament.

Send your message saying how much you appreciate their business, or offer a coupon on their next bouquet purchase. Customers love to know you appreciate them!

Subscription Box Order Fulfillment

This is a new way to increase repeat business and get a good profit. In subscription box fulfillment services, the customers subscribe to certain services and products. The business owners deliver the required products at the doorstep of the customer every month.

Help Your Fans Help You!

Connect your Facebook and Twitter pages so that all your deals and coupons go out to followers and friends. Ask them to reblog/retweet and “like” your Facebook page. Encourage customers who loved your product to put a picture up on Pinterest.

Understand the Importance of Repeat Business

In the Internet marketing world, we understand that finding customers can be a long and hard road to travel down. Sometimes, this road can come at a high and expensive cost. So, how can we keep this cost down in the long run?

One way to do that is to understand the importance of repeat business. If we understand that it is much easier to sell to a current customer than it is to sell to a new customer, then we will not only save time and money but will have retained the customers we already have.

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Final Words:

One other important aspect of building on repeat business is what I call “word of mouth return.” When the clients are satisfied with your product or services, they will more than likely tell someone they know. This is, for you, the business owner, what we call free advertising.

So, if we build the relationship that we have with our current clients, we, in turn, gain the possibility to retain repeat business. This is why word of mouth business referrals are a gold-mine for you, the business owner.

Building on our current customer base shows integrity in your business practice and will help you build toward a successful business plan. Our goal is to retain repeat business and keep our current customers happy. By doing so, we spend less money overall, and this can help to build integrity for our business.


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