How Do You Increase Views on YouTube Organically?

Views on YouTube

A lot of YouTubers get confused when it comes to increasing organic YouTube views. There are a lot of ways in which you can do that, but they are not all organic. The ways in which you can increase your video reach without the need to buy YouTube views are few. Fortunately, we have listed them below to help you gain YouTube views organically.

Strong Base Saves You From a Shaky Roof

The first step is the basic step. To increase YouTube views, make sure your fundamentals are clear. From the channel icon to video titles to tags, everything should be in a straight line. Keep your channel description suitable and related to the type of account you have created.

Stick It to Your BonesMore YouTube

It’s important to stick to your goals. However, another important aspect to stick to is your most liked niche. In order to gain YouTube views, understand your audience. For this, keep a check on your analytics. When you find something that leads to an increase in YouTube views, stick to that.

Do Your Homework Well

You can not expect all the hard work from the content of the video. The viewers will watch the video only when they see it in the search results. So, to increase YouTube views, you have to increase its visibility. Do the research work and find the appropriate keywords for the content.

Metadata Are Super Important

The meta description is important to make YouTube SEO work efficiently. This helps your video to appear after the popular played videos of similar topics. Ultimately, this tactic leads to increased organic YouTube views.

Create Catchy Thumbnails

Thumbnails are the first impressions on the viewers. Therefore, make them catchy, so that the viewers click on the video and increase YouTube views. Make sure the thumbnails are clearly putting it into insight into what the content is about. This will help interested users in helping you to gain views.

Keep Your Profile Organized With Playlists

Create playlists on your YouTube channel to let the audience find the desired videos easily. The organized profile will make it easier for your audience to go through your videos. It will also let the viewers auto-play the next video in the series. Thereby, leading to increasing organic views.

Make the Utmost Use of Gift Cards and End Screens

YouTube provides many tools that help the YouTubers to increase views. This can be done by making the proper use of gift cards and end screens. Add links of your other videos and playlists in these and gain YouTube views. This is an organic and effective method. Learn to use YouTube cards in a better way now to enhance your know-how. Many content creators have put a lot of effort into making End screens and outro videos to make sure their viewers must subscribe to the channel. You can also make attractive end screen and outro videos using End screen maker or outro maker applications.

Keep Your Content CreativeYouTube logo

It is important to have a uniqueness in your content if you want to increase YouTube views. With lots of options available, the audience wants something new and different. So, keep it that way only. This will help you make a brand out of yourself. Stick to that uniqueness and gain YouTube views.

Maintain a Healthy Relationship With Viewers

The most important asset of any creator is his/her audience. To boost YouTube views, build a good relationship with your audience. Answer their queries or reply to their feedback. Let them know that they are valuable to you. This will make them perform their part of being active subscribers. Ultimately, they will suggest your channel to others and it will increase views.

Collab With Others

This is another organic way to boost YouTube views. Find the right person whose audience matches your requirements. You can go on live with that person so that both of you get the exposure. You can also try influencer marketing to increase views. In this, you will pay the influencers who have the audience you desire to give you a shout out.

Keep Your Traffic Coming Via Other Platforms

If you have other social media platforms, you can use them too. Gain YouTube views in a completely organic way by leading the traffic. Share the link of your channel on your platforms. This will interlink your different accounts and increase views. Also, your audience will be able to find your content easily by using the link.

Read Also: 8 Excellent Tools to Edit Your Videos for Social Networks

Make Your Audience Your Subscribers

Last, but an important step in order to increase YouTube views in the future. Ask your audience to subscribe to your channel. Also, let them know how important it is to press the notification bar. With this being done, you will not have to notify everyone that a new video has been uploaded. They will get notified of the activities done on your channel. This will lead to more organic views.


So, these were the tips that will help you to increase organic YouTube views. Also, know about the 7 strategies for earning money from YouTube and become popular the right way.

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