iPhone Voicemail Not Working: 8 Ways to Fix It

why is my voicemail unavailable on my iPhone

The Ways to Fix voicemails not showing up on iPhone:

  1. When users face the issue of “voicemail not working on iPhone”, they need to make sure that the voicemail is enabled on their iPhone, In the case where the user has recently made any changes on the device.
  2. Due to some technical error if “voicemails not showing up on iPhone”, users can restart or reboot their voicemail app on the device or reboot the device. 

Users can also try a few tricks to solve this issue such as by using the app switcher, users can swipe or double tap on the home screen to search for the voicemail phone app and to close it swipe upward.

  1. Users can also try the technique of “Force Close Phone App” and relaunch the app to fix the issue of “why is my voicemail unavailable on my iPhone”.
  2. To solve the issue of voicemail not working on the iPhone, users can turn on the Aeroplane mode and then turn it off, to reconnect the network connection or reset the network settings.
  3. Sometimes issues lie with the device, to confirm that, users can manually check whether the voicemail is receiving calls or not by calling the voicemail directly.

Users must tap & hold the 1 key and check the voicemail. If able to hear it, then it means it had no issues.

  1. When users wonder “why is my voicemail unavailable on my iPhone“, it is because the custom greetings of voicemail are not set properly and callers might fail to recognize it and won’t leave a message and the issue occurs. To fix this, users must properly set the greetings.
  2. One of the most basic reasons for voicemails not showing up on the iPhone is due to the enabled Call Forwarding option on the iPhone, users must disable this feature to solve the problem.
  3. The issue of ‘why is my voicemail unavailable on my iPhone” happened because cellular carriers were not automatically updated properly, to fix the issue users may need to update it manually from the settings on the device.
  4. When the above steps don’t work, users can take expert advice by calling or emailing the customer care service number or address.

When users want to know more about the issue of voicemails not showing up on iPhones, they can stream about it from the Worldzo website. 

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