Purple Gums? Don’t Worry, Here’s What Might Be Causing It.

Purple Gums

Purple gums? What’s that all about? Just in case you’ve been wondering why your gums look this way, here are the possible causes of discolored gum tissue, and how to treat it.

Gum Disease:

Bad Breath: Although bad breath is commonly associated with dental issues, it’s actually caused by bacteria in your mouth. If you have gum disease or poor oral hygiene—like if you never brush your teeth or don’t floss at all—you may notice an unpleasant odor coming from your mouth and gums when you wake up each morning. This is because bacteria builds up on your teeth overnight and can lead to a foul-smelling combination of sulfur compounds and volatile organic compounds. Breathing through your mouth won’t help either because inhaling these odors only serves to amplify them.

Oral Trauma:

A common cause of purple gums is trauma to a tooth or teeth during chewing. Specifically, it’s a condition called oral lichen planus. With oral lichen planus (OLP), your body begins to create too much of a protein that helps protect against infection in your mouth (antibodies) but instead can also cause your gums to become inflamed and bumpy. Another common cause is cheilitis where an allergic reaction from medications or foods can also cause a similar discoloration as well as red bumps on your skin around your lips and mouth, according to WebMD. When you’re looking for ways to treat purple gums caused by trauma or medicine, check with your dentist who may refer you to an allergy specialist if necessary.


The color of your gums can often vary from one person to another, but it’s important to keep an eye out for abnormal changes in color and consistency. If you’re experiencing soreness along your gumline or experiencing a change in gum appearance that lasts for more than a few days—and doesn’t seem like your regular periodontal condition—it could mean that something else is going on beneath it all: medications! Some popular medications (and their side effects) include


One culprit for purple gums is hormones. In your 20s and 30s, hormones shift to accommodate a new phase in life. As your body begins to adjust and find balance within these shifts, you might notice changes in your skin that make it look blotchy or purple (gum color can also change with hormone fluctuations). While there’s nothing you can do about these changes when they happen, working with a dermatologist will help you manage any hormonal imbalances or other skin conditions so that you always look your best no matter what stage of life you’re in.

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Drink teas and sodas when you don’t want to drink water. Tannins are often present in drinks like that and can stain your teeth a brown or purple color, according to Ohio State University. They’re also found in coffee, berries (including blackberries and raspberries), wine, and other foods containing anthocyanin pigments. If you do get some on your teeth—whether from food or from wearing dentures—you can remove it with a baking soda and peroxide mixture. But before trying anything else, see your dentist figure out what is causing them in the first place so they can come up with an effective treatment plan for you! Read Also : clear aligners cost


Some studies have linked blotchy gum lines with certain genetic variants. This is a tricky topic because genetics aren’t something you can change—but don’t think that means you shouldn’t try! This is where self-care comes into play and where I recommend that every woman do an honest assessment of her own lifestyle choices. Are there things you can cut out or reduce to minimize damage to your gums? If so, start doing those things immediately! Focus on flossing daily (and in a way that will actually keep your teeth healthy), brushing twice a day, and visiting your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings. Read Also : Clear aligners

Environmental Factors:

Air pollution and poor diet are often to blame for discolored gums; these factors can create a buildup of toxins that slowly enter your blood and affect your entire body, including your smile. If you’re noticing blotches around your gumline—whether it’s a shiny purple or brownish color—visit with a dental professional to figure out what might be causing them. Many times, brushing or flossing more will not improve dark spots on teeth or along gums so schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you notice them.

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