Tech Giants That Thrived In A Global Crisis

Tech Giants

Stores are closed. The majority of the offices are closed. Restaurants are closed.

It’s not the cause of some festival or holiday, its cause of a teeny-tiny deadly virus and that’s terrifying. We are forced to stay inside and it’s a global crisis and almost the whole world is suffering. We don’t know how long it will be like this or when we will finally find a cure.

Meanwhile, a lot of industries and businesses are falling apart, some tech giants and a lot of e-commerce and online businesses from clothing stores to case study writing service providers are thriving and flourishing in these times as well. After all, technology is the only thing that is keeping most of us sane.

So let’s have a look at some tech giants that are profiting even during the global crisis!

People are Loving Netflix in Quarantine


From exploring outer space to getting lost in upside-down to some teenage high school drama, Netflix has movies and TV shows for everyone around the world. While the world was in lockdown, Netflix released some amazing exclusive shows like Tiger King, Control Z, Resurrection Ertugul, and a lot more to keep people hooked up and not leave the house as often.

This trick really worked out! Netflix apparently got over 16 million new signups during the pandemic and got marked as one of the most profitable businesses during the crisis. Netflix also showed a whopping 30% increase in their share prices making investors happy.

Thanks to Netflix alone millions of people are staying inside their homes, chilling and helping to fight the coronavirus.

Scrolling Social Media is a New Sport

social media

Social media applications or platforms were mocked by people as they were making us anti-social and lazy. But guess what 2020 had for all of us? To socially distance and be lazy (not actually, you can work out and do other activities at home) and stay inside.

A lot of people who were not interested in watching shows or movies on Netflix moved on to just scrolling on their phones. They getting in touch with their friends, family, coworkers, and even met new people online with similar interests on social media platforms.

When the whole world went nuts and people were told to stay every from everyone just to stay safe and alive, people didn’t just isolate themselves in their homes and decided to get sad about it. People started taking the best out of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit (not actually a social media, but it somewhat counts), Snapchat, TikTok, and a lot more. You can also try snapchat hack tool.

Social media influencers got more time to create more interesting, informative, and cool content for their followers to keep them entertained and a lot of people started making short video-based content on TikTok as well as joining fun challenges and dances. Statistics show an 87% increase in social media usage during the quarantine which means people are hooked up more than ever before.

The significant increase in the online traffic also boosted investment in digital marketing as businesses are promoting their services and products on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach out to more potential customers and it’s working very great for them.

So what are you doing online? Are sharing memes or calling your friends or doing some cool TikTok dances? Whatever you’re doing, the important thing is you should be staying safe inside your house!

Online Shopping is the New Shopping

Online Shopping at tech giants

There’s nothing new about online shopping at all but since coronavirus started to spread and a lot of businesses went online, from fast foods and restaurants to clothing stores, most of them closed down their stores and started dealing with their customers online only.

The online shopping rate rose up to as much as 30% in March 2020 during the lockdown. As the essentials stores were still open yet often ran out of supplies and needed items, people started placing their orders online from services like Amazon for everything they wanted whether it was some toilet paper (we all have seen those crazy videos) or some prescriptions.

Existing online stores and e-commerce websites saw huge customer traffic during the lockdown while a lot of entrepreneurs got the benefit as well with the increase in their target audience. As people couldn’t really get their desired items or brands, a lot of them turned towards smaller businesses and entrepreneurs for their services and products.

Gamers are Rising


How can we forget the wonderful gaming community?

While staying contact-free, tech giants, Sony and Microsoft, who are dominating the gaming industry with their amazing consoles for as long as we can remember, came up with amazing digital sales and discounts to keep the gamers hooked up to their PCs for a long time.

Both of the tech giants saw huge traffic in the multiplayer lobbies indirectly meaning that a lot of people bought the online memberships. Besides that, Microsoft pledged to double the donation from gamers to CDC i.e. they have been paying $1 for every $1 donated via Microsoft to CDC.

Meanwhile, Sony made their all-time hit game bundle, Uncharted Trilogy, available for free for everyone. So if you got it while it was free then you can keep it for life! On the other hand, Epic games made the world’s most popular game Grand Theft Auto V free as well!

Gamers are staying inside, companies are profiting and gamers are donating and the world is profiting. A good game we can say.

Read Also: Advertising Online With Digital Marketing During Quarantine and Crisis

Final Words

Technology never stops evolving and making our lives better. Even if the world stops spinning, technological advancements might still be going on and nothing can stop them. There have been good outcomes so we hope that modern tech helps us fight COVID-19 too!

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