The Images on a Website. How to Perfect Every Angle with Just Simple Creativity

website design

Almost every business today has a website, and it’s an ideal investment for eliminating the gap with the customers. The website development process is lengthy, and if you hire a developing agency for the job, it may take you a few months before launching it.

Apart from navigation, content, graphics are a significant element of a website and can ideally help to share your intentions. Correct use of graphics can build a business’s image and eliminate the use of words to a greater extent. When images (visual elements) are correctly used, it helps a site improve its visibility on SERP. With all that, we would love to look at the right way of using images on a site.

Share the Space

Regardless of its purpose, a site’s website design must fit every element appropriately without creating clutter. Whether it’s content, images, or CTAs, every aspect requires an ideal plan for breathability. Keep every image simple as long as it delivers the message you want to extend to your audience.

Consistency is Essential

If every page requires images, then make sure that all images from the first page to last align with the web design. Here you will have to define the proportions you’re working in, most especially if you’re designing for a range of devices. Before designing, spare time to create a guide for the images, illustrations and graphics you expect to use.

Simple Has the Magic

Sometimes a photograph works wonders in its simplicity or with minor touches. Don’t overdo your images by using multiple colours; otherwise, they may fail to meet their purpose. Consider aligning your visual elements with the text on a site to produce the best effect. Still-life pictures depict a quality of freshness, graphics can enhance a site’s appearance, but the overall usage of visual elements should be to improve user experience.

Colour Choices

Colours can help you create a contrast with the text. There is no rule for one to go with black, white or dark colours, but it all depends on the reflection you want to produce. Ensure to pick a colour palette that’s suitable for the entire website.

Image Size

Large files harm search engine optimization and may make it difficult to be accessed on specific devices. Compress images to keep their size small; the smaller the file, the better the image. Optimize the website images to offer a fast load speed. There are ample of image optimization tools and plugins to help you compress images automatically.


Graphic design isn’t only for professionals, and you can also create visual content with the help of crafting skills and tools. Since a website is created with a purpose, the images you pick either help to enhance communication or deter it. In simplicity, the correct image will help you make a positive impact on your online presence. If you require help to design your website, a professional graphic design agency can help you get the right solutions.



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