The Top Strategies to Make Deals of the Day Campaign Work Effectively
Online shopping enthusiasts love flash sales and daily deals. Although it’s a frequently used marketing and sales strategy, many e-commerce companies fall short of gaining maximum benefits. The main goal for using the deals of the day method for sales is to convert visitors to the online shopping website into customers. Let’s discuss the tips and tricks to make deals of the day promotion work effectively in boosting sales and customer traffic exponentially.
What are Deals of the Day and their Benefits?
Deals of the day is a promotion and sales strategy used by online shopping websites to increase sales of their products by offering discounts for a limited time. Some of the benefits of daily deal flash sales are,
- It attracts new visitors to the e-commerce website
- It helps to convert visitors into loyal customers
- It enhances customers involvement on a daily basis
- It increases sales and reduces inventory
- It helps to brand awareness among the masses
Tips to Make Deals of the Day Promotion Work Well
Although deals of the day are an effective promotion strategy, the online store admins must follow the proper steps to reach the desired sales targets. Here are some useful tips for online stores to make deal of the day sales flourish.
1. Prepare for Your Daily Deal Promotion Cautiously
Before the commencement of the deals of the day campaign, the sales team must keep the businesses moving in the right direction. They have to compute the original cost of the products and possible revenue generated after the flash sale is initiated on the online shopping website. A standard offer of 10% -15% discount and super deals can be an excellent way to run the daily deals with QR code. Also, it is crucial to choose the right products that are in high demand and frequently searched by customers on the website. Additionally, daily deals are a great way to clear inventory for the shops at great discounts.
2. Fix Different Discount Codes for Different Deal Pages
Offering various types of deals of the day to the visitors can be a great way to create the required excitement for shopping. It is crucial to create different pages with different discount codes that are appealing to the customers. These pages will bring more followers, which will increase online traffic. The ultimate goal is to convert maximum visitors into loyal customers, and this strategy has proven to accomplish it with great success. Some of the deals of the day pages include,
- All deals page
- Featured deals page
- New deals page
- Top-selling deals page
- Random deals page
- Upcoming deals page
3. Create a Sense of Urgency
When running daily deals flash sales, it is crucial to give enough time for customers to make purchasing decisions. However, it is imperative to restrict the time of deal just enough to create a sense of urgency. A countdown timer can be installed to show how much time is remaining before the deal lapses. It will motivate the customers to make a quick purchase to avoid missing out on great bargains.
4. Make the Discount Stand Out
To make the discount stand out during the deals of the day campaign, the use of sidebar and widgets and float sliders on the website pages are crucial. A sidebar widget is an area on the webpage which contains information for specific purposes. Here best seller deals, upcoming deals, and random deals must be displayed to boost the flash sales. The customers who spend less time browsing can look at these sidebars and immediately checkout and make a purchase if they find the discount worth it.
We can conclude that deals of the day campaign are crucial for e-commerce businesses to increase their sales and brand promotion. The above tips will help e-commerce websites run flash sales effectively and add new customers to the growing list.