How To Train Employees On a New System Or Technology

Train Employees On a New System Or Technology

Over the years, businesses have been using technology to do many things, from decreasing expenses and transaction times to increasing communication. Nowadays, tech giants are taking their business up a notch by developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that can mimic human intelligence and creativity.

If your company is already ahead of its competitors by updating its system or technology, it’s time for you to teach your employees how to use it. Here are six tips on how to train employees on a new system:

1. Conduct a dry run with your employees

You can have them try out the new system or technology ahead of time on a “practice” mode just to gauge their comprehension level on some of its features and functions. This will also allow you more time to clear some misconceptions they might have about how it works. Think of this stage as a “test”, which is why it’s important that no one else uses the program during this phase while you’re training your team members.

2. Schedule a live session where only the users are present

In this part of the course, go slowly and make sure everyone is on board with everything you’re going to teach them. You don’t want any user to feel left out in a training session, especially if you’re using a group chat program like Yammer.

3. Allow your employees time to play with the new system or technology on their own

They might not understand everything from your training sessions, but that doesn’t mean they can’t eventually figure it out by themselves. Just give them time and space to mess around with the program while you observe silently from a distance.

In some cases, users will discover something useful or helpful about the system after stumbling upon it in an unlikely place—just make sure you know where everything is so they won’t have too much trouble finding what they need when issues arise in the future.

Also, you can try to use Futuramo, the best apps for upgrade your employee’s organization and improving their comunication.

4. Create training materials

When creating training materials, make them both easy-to-understand and comprehensive. You need to explain everything there is about the program in detail because some people will learn better by reading while others prefer hearing information through audio. Some might even benefit from visual representation, so you might want to consider adding images and video clips to your presentation.

In any case, quality RTO training materials are readily available everywhere today, so you can easily find what works best for you and your employees.

5. Hold a retrospective discussion

After an agreed-upon period of time, have a meeting with your employees and discuss their individual experiences using the system or technology. Have them talk about what they liked about it as well as what they thought can be improved upon. Listen to each employee’s input diligently because this will help you perfect the program for future use not just by your company but other companies as well. 

6. Set up a follow-up plan as well as a way to measure success

You’ve held multiple training sessions already so you should know which members of your team absorb information better than others, which is why it’s important that any follow-up plan involves all users—even those who learn best on their own.

Measure user engagement levels periodically through the use of surveys, polls, and questionnaires. This way you can see if there’s still interest in using the program so you know if any tweaks need to be made when training your employees on a new system or technology again in the future.

Additionally, keep all training materials as digital files. You can use Google Drive or Dropbox to save all your stuff for convenience and quick access. This way, you won’t have to disclose some sensitive information from the company server if you don’t want to.


Keep in mind that training your employees to use new systems and technology will likely take some time, so you’ll need to be patient with them as they learn. You might not see much improvement right away since it’s a gradual process, but eventually, it should happen sooner or later. Patience and communication are keys to making this transition easier.


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