How To Get Rid of Your Car’s Scratches: Ceramic Coating in Singapore


Not only do you have to clean your car once a week, but you also need to look at it from a preventative maintenance standpoint as well. Sure, you can keep your car clean and dust-free with weekly car washings and other detailing tips, but don’t forget about the other aspects of maintaining your vehicle as well. If you want to keep your car looking its best for years to come, you need to take preventative measures from the get-go. Preventive measures like having your car’s exterior coated in a protective layer of ceramic coating Singapore.

What is Cerantic Coating?

Ceramic coating is a durable and protective coating that is applied to your car’s exterior. The coating protects your car’s paintwork and gives it a deep black luster. Once applied, the coating is virtually invisible to the naked eye. Ceramic coating is an alternative to paint. It can be used for car or truck applications. It is an excellent alternative for anyone who has allergies to some of the common paints used today.

Additionally, it is a great option for anyone who is environmentally conscious. Ceramic coating is an extremely durable coating that can last anywhere from 5 to 7 years depending on the care you take with it. It is an extremely cost-effective coating in that it does not require any repainting once it is applied to your car.

Why Should You Have Your Car’s Exterior Coated?

Your car’s paint will wear off over time. This is inevitable, and it can only be prevented if you keep your car’s exterior clean. If you don’t clean your car regularly, the dust and grime trapped underneath your car’s paint will wear it away. Eventually, your car will look bad and will start to lose its resale value. If you want to keep your car’s paint looking its best, you need to maintain it. Ceramic coating on your car’s exterior provides an extra layer of protection for your car’s paint.

If you keep your car clean and dust-free, and avoid unnecessary wear, it could last up to 7 years. The ceramic coating lasts longer than paint does because it is a solid surface. Paint cannot stop dirt from getting underneath it because it is porous and can be penetrated. Ceramic coating, on the other hand, does not wear off and does not absorb any moisture from the air, so it last for a longer time.

How to Have Your Car’s Exterior Coated?

There are a few ways you can have your car’s exterior coated. You can have it painted at a professional body shop, or you can do it yourself with ceramic coating. The advantage of having it done at a professional body shop is that you get a better finish and better protection than you can achieve by doing it yourself.

The other major advantage is that you don’t have to do it every few years. You only need to repaint your car’s exterior when it wears off. Professional painting shops apply ceramic coating to vehicles.

Most of them will also use paint that is more durable than the paint they use on uncoated cars and trucks. Most of them will use a straight-line method that involves spraying a mist of paint across a section of the vehicle and then wiping it off with a rag.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Ceramic Coating

Your coating manufacturer: Some coating manufacturers offer superior warranties, so it is important that you choose one that does. The warranty the coating comes with is important because it will give you peace of mind.

Your coating’s colour: You need to be clear about the colour you want. Ceramic coating is available in almost any colour under the sun. You can even have a pattern applied to it if you want.

Your coating’s price: It is also important to note that most ceramic coating manufacturers offer commercial and residential coatings. You need to choose one that is right for you.

Pros of Ceramic Coating

Durable: Ceramic coating is a very durable coating. It can last up to 7 years and provides an extra layer of protection to your car’s paint.

Cost-Effective: Ceramic coating doesn’t require repainting. Once it is applied to your car, you can keep driving it without worrying about getting painted again.

Environmentally Conscious: Ceramic coating is an extremely environment-friendly coating. It has no harmful chemicals or fumes. It is also non-toxic and biodegradable.

Extra Layer of Protection: Your ceramic coating provides an extra layer of protection to your car’s paint. It protects the paint from abrasion, abrasive chemicals, and UV rays.

Cons of Ceramic Coating

Expensive: Coating your car with a ceramic coating is fairly expensive. It costs around $1,500 for a 5-year coating for cars and trucks.

Difficult to Remove: Once applied, it is very difficult to remove the ceramic coating. You will need to have your car washed by professionals and then have it repainted.

Needs Regular Cleaning: You need to clean your car’s exterior regularly to prevent it from getting dirty and dusty. If you don’t do this, your ceramic coating will start to wear off.

Does Not Last as Long as Paint: Ceramic coating lasts up to 7 years, but most manufacturers claim that it will last for up to 10 years. However, once it has worn off, it is almost impossible to restore it.


If you want to keep your car looking new for years to come, you need to take preventative measures from the get-go. Preventive measures like having your car’s exterior coated in a protective layer of ceramic coating. This layer is extremely durable, cost-effective, environmentally conscious, and provides an extra layer of protection.

There are a few things to consider when choosing a ceramic coating. The manufacturer of your coating and the coatings color is important because you want to make sure that you choose a coating that complements your car’s exterior color. The price of the coating is also important, as you don’t want to end up spending too much money.


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