Minecraft Error on PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox/(2022) – aka.ms/accountsettings

If you’re getting the Minecraft Error on PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox, then you might be wondering if on your account settings. i.e. aka.ms/accountsettings. This guide will walk you through how to access the Xbox Online Services and change your password, email, security info etc.
What is aka.ms/accountsetting?
Aka.ms/accountsettings is the place to manage your Microsoft account. It’s where you’ll go to change your password, find out about security updates, and manage your privacy settings.aka.ms/accountsettings Error – Minecraft
You can use Aka.ms/accountsettings with any device from any location. You can sign in using a Microsoft account or a work or school account if you have Office 365. Aka Ms account settings error occurs on Windows, and it usually happens after a recent update or patch. This is an issue that can be fixed by reinstalling Minecraft.Fix aka.ms/accountsettings Error in Minecraft
The aka.ms/accountsettings Minecraft Error is a common error that occurs in Minecraft. The error may occur when you try to sign in to the game or while you are playing it. If you are getting this error, please follow the steps below to fix this issue:- Verify that your username and password are correct. You can do this by trying again or by checking what email address is registered with your Mojang account. If everything is correct, then proceed further with the steps below.
- Go to your Microsoft account page and check if there are any issues with it. If there are no issues, then proceed further with the steps below.
- Try signing out of your Xbox Live account from your system settings (or from your Xbox 360 console). Then sign back in again using only one account at a time and see if it fixes your problem.
How to Fix Minecraft Privacy Error on Xbox/Windows 10 PC?
This is an error that is caused by your privacy settings on Xbox or Windows 10. To fix this issue, follow these steps:- Open the Privacy Settings of your Xbox account
- Go to Account Privacy Settings and then select Privacy Settings for My Profile
- Click on Edit and change the privacy settings from Everyone to Friends Only (you can also change it to Customize)
- Close the window and try logging into Minecraft again